12 Quick Beauty Tips for Women Who Work 9 to 5

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Women who work full-time find little time to pamper themselves in their hectic schedules, and women who manage both home and work have no time at all! This post is exclusively for women who work 9 to 5 or longer shifts, so they can always look their best without putting in excessive effort or time. As a result, here are twelve quick beauty tips for women who work the 9 to 5 shift.

1.Get Up Early: If you want to look your best on your way to work, you must get up early. Preparing in five minutes may end in disaster. Getting up in the morning allows you to properly prepare. Additionally, you get time to exercise, which improves circulation and gives your face a healthy glow. If you have time, you can also massage your face in the morning with a jade roller, which reduces puffiness and gives you a more youthful appearance.

2.Shower and Thoroughly Cleanse the Face: Do not skip a morning shower due to a lack of time. Showering cools the body and helps you look fresh. If you skip this step, your skin will appear dull and lifeless. Additionally, many women skip morning face washing because they pamper their skin at night and there is no sweating involved. However, you must have a clean face in the morning to apply new products. Utilize a mild cleanser, such as one from Cetaphil. Additionally, you can use water and possibly a konjac sponge to remove the night's residue. 3.Use Sunscreen Diligently: Sunscreen is a necessity that is not limited to the sun. Radiation from laptops and computers used at work also damages the skin, which is why you need an SPF. Apply it prior to leaving for work and reapply every two hours. This does not require additional time. Carry out this procedure whenever you visit the restroom, and both our skin and time will be benefited.

4.Apply and Reapply Moisturizer: The same principle applies here. To survive long hours in the office, our skin requires some hydration and moisturization. Utilize a light-weight day cream that provides both benefits without clogging the pores. You will also need to reapply if your office space is air conditioned. Utilize lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturisers that will not irritate the skin if reapplied three to four times during your work hour.

5.Tie Your Hair: Leaving your hair untied for that long is not a good idea. It will cause you to sweat and may cause rashes around your neck. Additionally, your hair will be damaged as a result of pollution and exposure to air conditioners. For office workers, a braid or bun is the best option. They're simple to execute, and there are stylish variations that even beginners can execute. You can keep your hair away from your face and it will also be free of tangles.

6.Dress Comfortably: Another point to remember is to dress comfortably. Wearing ultra-stylish velvet clothing to work will raise your colleagues' eyebrows, make you feel uneasy, and cause you to sweat profusely. Choose fashionable garments that are appropriate for office wear. If you pick up a few styling tips, your office attire will no longer be dull. Make an attempt to use cotton, linen, and other breathable fabrics. Utilize cotton scarves and stoles to add a touch of glam to our ensemble without making it too heavy or inconvenient.

7.Use a light makeup application Apply very light makeup to achieve an office-appropriate look. Avoid wearing anything that will require frequent touch-ups and maintenance. Utilize BB creams, kajals, and lip glosses that are lightweight. Utilize products that are gentle on the skin and will not cause breakouts when used regularly. Substitute rose water or cucumber mist for your alcohol-based makeup fixing product. This will impart a youthful, soft glow to the skin, and daily use will have no adverse effect.

8. Lip Balm is Your Best Friend: It is critical to keep a lip balm in your purse. When we spend hours in air-conditioned rooms, our lips frequently become chapped and dry. Utilize one whenever your lips are feeling parched. Occasionally, lip balms contain ingredients that drier the lips even more, and you end up using them repeatedly. Steer clear of such products. The Body Shop and Kama Ayurveda lip balms are excellent for long-lasting softness. 9.Wash Your Face with Water: You are not required to follow a deep cleansing routine while in or leaving the office. However, washing your face with water is never harmful. Your makeup will vanish. However, it is acceptable to have a fresh face without makeup rather than one that appears dull with makeup. Wash your face whenever you apply sunscreen or moisturiser, or at least once before leaving. Additionally, you can use baby wipes. For hours, this keeps your face oil-free and fresh.

10.Drink Water: To avoid your skin looking dull and tired, it is critical to drink water and keep it hydrated from the inside out. Make a point of drinking at least 2 litres of water while at work. Instead of coffee and milk tea, opt for green tea and detox beverages. This will keep the skin hydrated throughout the day and prevent it from appearing lifeless.

11.Spritz perfume on pulse points such as below the ears, elbows, and on the hand to prolong the scent and keep you in a good mood throughout the day. Even if you're at work, smelling good is just as important as looking good.

12.Spritz on Facial Mist: If you're feeling tired at the end of the day, spritz your face with a facial mist (even pure rose water works well) to refresh your makeup and add some moisture to your face.

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